Tag: Microsoft Teams

Man and woman collaborating in a meeting

Microsoft Teams Enhances Any Business’s Collaboration Capabilities

Why Microsoft Teams is the best thing that could happen to your business environment

Communicating and collaborating are the lifeblood of every organisation in 2021. This is why applications and solutions that allow us to do these things better and more efficiently are an extremely valuable commodity.

Microsoft Teams is among the best, if not the best, collaboration and communication tools available to businesses today, and it has seen remarkable growth in the few short years since it became available.

Launched in March 2017, Teams has seen widespread adoption across the business world. In November 2019, Teams had more than 20 million users; by March 2020 this number had risen to 44 million, and by April 2020, Teams had more than 75 million users thanks to the pandemic driving the shift to remote working

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Teams - Person typing on laptop keyboard

Top 10 Apps that integrate seamlessly with Microsoft Teams

How to do more without leaving the Teams environment

Microsoft Teams is one of the most powerful collaboration solutions available. Even so, it’s not uncommon for organisations to be using other software in their day-to-day activities, too, and switching between those and Teams to get things done.

Switching, however, can be time-consuming and jarring for the user. Studies have shown that this can lead to a drop in productivity and contributing to burnout among workers as they constantly adjust their minds to different application interfaces many times in a day.

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Microsoft 365 Apps

Microsoft 365: 10 Reasons to Update Your Office

Microsoft 365 offers the best software applications in the game. Here are 10 reasons why!

We are living in an era where effective collaboration is essential in any business. Businesses are moving to virtual work environments. And employees need and want the flexibility to work from anywhere.

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